Welcome to 4FANZ® Club

1. If you are a Smule or Starmaker Singer and not singing with Real Microphone - Your Level is either 1 or 2

2. Level5School.com is continuous learning from peer singers in a group by watching activities of "Mentor" team.

3. Vocal improvement may be easy. Improving Discipline is hard part. Your Singing Level is Lowest between Vocal and Discipline

4. The Rules and Best Practices are open to all. I.e. If you are not a premium member also, you see the rules.

5. The Premium members who pay an annual subscription will get a chance to upload their performance videos of level4 and level5

6. The Premium membership of 4FANZ® Club is offered to all for $60/year. We accept payments in Indian Rupees Also.

7. Non-Premium members can self evaluate themselves.

8. 4FANZ® Club is a Live Performance Club with a Group Based Learning Program

9. All premium members must complete assignments - minimum perform in 12 benchmark songs in a year.

10. Only Level-4 and Level-5 Performers will get promoted as Bollywood Performer and get noticed by Directors and Composers.

11. There are two tracks in our evaluation process - Vocal and Discipline. You need to have same level in both.

12. If you are a premium member of Level-2, you need to solicit group evaluations.

13. If you are a premium member of Level-3 and above, you may request a mentor evaluation in each 10 benchmark songs

14. As part of the assignment, you have to record a cover version of Non-Bollywood Original Produced by 4FANZ Studios.

4FANZ Club Memberships Free Premium ($60/year)
Singing Level Analysis Self Mentor
Discipline Level Analysis Self Mentor
Video Portal Access No Yes
Analysis Assignments No Yes
Group Dashboard No Yes
Group Feedback No Yes
Benchmark Video Assignments No Yes
Facebook Group Access Yes Yes
Role Dashboard Access Reading Writing

What is your Level ? Find Out Before Subscribe

Just Vocals OK - The Beginners - Level-1 Singers/Performers

Welcome to Level-1 Singing. Whether you have just decided to start singing or you have been singing in virtual platforms like Smule using your headphone - you are level 1 with 4FANZ® platform. Because 4FANZ® AudieNce1st™ is your NEXT LEVEL Singing Platform and you need to learn holding a real microphone in hand. It would be very bad optics for you to perform before a live audience by holding a headphone and use a virtual platform where your vocal is supressed with reverb.

The Vocal Improvement Track
  • Buy a Bluetooth Mic with a Speaker or Join a Local Music Group to sing with Real Microphone.
  • Attend local musical meetups and meet with good singers.
  • practice from good karaokes available in youtube or buy your own.
  • If you have joined Level5School, your mentor will give you the best Karaoke to perform.
The Discipline Track
  • Watch the live performances of performers in Youtube
  • Watch Live performances of 4FANZ-DBP Performers and try analyzing the good and bad in those.
  • Ask the local good singers to give some tips about good singing.
  • Make a determination that you won't be sharing out of rhythm songs with your friends.
  • Hold your urge to grab mic to sing an unprepared or impromptu song.
  • Start building the AudieNce1st™ mindset. Be AudienNce First then Singer.
  • Record your own song in Iphone or Android Phone and see if you like your own song.
Vocals OK, Rhythms-Simple Songs, Beats-Some Songs, Pitch-Simple Songs - The Level-2 Singers/Performers

Welcome to Level-2. Here you have got two parallel tracks There are two tracks for improve your singing - If you want to move to Level-3 please follow this.

The Vocal Improvement Track
  • Understand Basics of 7-Sur and Learn Practicing in a Riyaz App or with an Instrument
  • Analyze High and Low Notes and Vocal effects used in a song
  • Sing Along With Original Karaokes by keeping Lyrics in hand or phone
  • Discover your Singing High and Low Range
  • Focus on singing Simple songs with Rhythm. Avoid High Beat Fast Songs.
  • Be a part of local live singing group and find a good mentor.
  • Understand importance of beats and try not to miss beats.
  • Watch the strength of peer performers and get curious - Why they sound better ?
  • Keep an Open mind to accept feedbacks in own music group private or public
  • Announce in public that you would welcome honest feedback over fake praise.
  • Improve Diction and Accent - if the Original song is not your mother tongue
The Discipline Track
  • Avoid Smule and Virtual Platform Singing as much as Possible
  • If you are singing a duet, always focus on finding the right duet partner voice to make your song super hit.
  • If you are exchanging a duet, understand the level of duet partner and request a duet that both of you can do justice.
  • Keep an AudieNce1st mindset and avoid singing songs that you can not sing well at your current level.
  • When theme is announced look for good songs that people don't pick often. Don't rush.
  • Before finalizing the song for an event, Analyze the song if you can do justice to the song.
  • Avoid singing difficult songs that you can not reproduce with rhythm and difficult vocal effects.
  • Looks for simpler super hit songs that falls under your vocal range and capabilities.
  • Some of your difficult favorites can wait until you achieve a higher level.
  • Never share flawed songs. If duet, share only if both singers did reasonably well.
Vocals Good, Rhythms-Beats-Perfect in Most Songs, Emotions, Mood in Some - The Level-3 Singers/Performers

Welcome to Level-3. You are almost ready as a professional singer but still you need to improve in singing and discipline. Please follow this.

The Vocal Improvement Track
  • Always Practice and Perform using a Good Mic and Mixer. Say Good Bye to Smule.
  • Now you have to go beyond Reading Lyrics blindly and pay attention to timing and music.
  • Watch the Video of previous line and observe the dots between letters and words must be delivered between beats.
  • The timer and number of dots should be on your mind and ending of line should be just as needed.
  • If you are part of Level5 School, you will these dotted lyrics with such video from your mentor.
  • No unwanted extention of end of line as that would result in incorrect number of dots and bad timing and music
  • Fade the end of line as it is in Original. Do not over extend.
  • Analyze the Mood of the song and keep the mood so that the actors can perform on your song.
  • Your Vocal quality should be good and you would feel words coming out of mouth easily.
  • You should be able to follow the pitch in simpler songs along with emotions.
  • Attempt some fast songs and try to derive energy from fast music. See how that works.
  • You should be following most of the points listed under discipline section below.
The Discipline Track
  • Stop Singing in Smule Completely. Use your Professional Setup or Blue tooth mic.
  • Stop being greedy to sing many songs with lesser accuracy. Prefer less songs with more accuracy.
  • Start learning to memorize mukhadas and ending of songs so you don't look at Laptop or Tablet.
  • If a duet is requested that you feel can not make justice because of lack of time, politely decline.
  • If a duet is requested that is out of your vocal range, recommend a singer who can do justice to the song.
  • For cover songs, start experimenting with songs to determine which playback singer's voice suits you better.
  • When you hold your mic in a show - ask yourself - Am I well prepared and if the set up is well ?
  • Avoid Singing in platforms which are not professonally managed, got poor sound setup and no designated mixer operator.
Vocals Very Good, Rhythms-Simple Songs, Beats-Some Songs, Pitch-Simple Songs - The Level-4 Singers/Performers

Welcome to Level-4. If you complete this track, you would achieve professional singing capability. Discipline is important because with these capabilities, you need to be careful what you share in public and how many share. How you reach out to potential customers via social media by sharing reasonably good songs.

The Vocal Improvement Track
  • Pay attention to Alaaps, High notes and Low notes in Songs
  • Whispering or Huski Voices by Original Singers should be sung as is or drop the song.
  • Words and filler "he he he' etc should be delevered frictionless manner.
  • Waving of words 'aa aaa aa aaa' etc. should be delevered as in Original Songs.
  • If you can not sing a difficult Alaap - make sure that is part of Music Track or drop the song.
  • Always Sing from Professional Karaoke Tracks.
  • Explore Opportunities to sing with Live Music.
  • Start using Props and do little bit of acting in style whereever possble.
  • Pitch, Rhythm and Beats - Perfect. Mood, Emotions and Theme - Reasonably Good
  • Join monthly meet ups and keep practicing a lot.
  • Memorize Lyrics from Most Songs and look at AudieNce while Singing and Performing.
  • If you complete this track fill out a form to be considered as Level-4 aka Professional Singer Title.
The Discipline Track
  • Never share Smule Performances or Casually recorded performances.
  • Try to share a professionally recorded concert performance.
  • Avoid sharing too much music on your personal timeline.
  • Always Sign a Contract when you get a professional opportunity.
  • If you are part of 4FANZ® Bollywood Performer's Group, contract is signed by company.
  • Sing songs from your strength zone in public performances.
  • Always partnet with a duet singer who can do justice to your favorite song.
  • Always encourage singers. Mentor them when feedback is solicited.
  • Expand your contact network and social media presence.
  • Remember, however good singer you may be, there is always a better singer somewhere else.
Vocals, Rhythms, Beats, Emotions, Mood, Theme, Pitch, Energy, Acting and Discipline - The Level-5 Singers/Performers

Welcome to Level-5. The Ultimate Level of Singing.

The Vocal Improvement Track
  • Select songs that sound close to Originals.
  • Work with good entertainment service providers and build relationship.
  • Stay in close circle of promotors
  • If duets sing with the right duet partner.
  • Attend 4FANZ™ benchmark to observe, how the same song sounds different with different voices.
  • Make decisions based on being yourself AudieNce1st™. Avoid Relationship based exchanges.
  • For duets, both sides to be perfect. Always do joint practice before performance.
  • If you are singing in live music, do Jam session with Musicians - at least two sessions.
  • Pitch, Rhythm and Beats,Mood, Emotions and Theme - All absolutely Perfect.
  • Memorize Lyrics of all songs and look at AudieNce while Singing or Performing.
  • Practice with Props and Dance steps to make the performance lively
  • Record a few Private Album Songs at this Level Only because this is the Playback level
  • If you want to learn more, do the singing yourself using Metronome Apps. Ask 4FANZ® for Lyrics.
  • If you complete this track fill out a form to be considered as Level-5 aka Concert Singer Title.
  • The quality of your live performances will be considered for the Vocal Track
  • Your Social media sharing and behaviour will be considered for discipline track.
The Discipline Track
  • Keep your own youtube channel.
  • If you are part of Level5 School, record 4FANZ® licensed Hindi Originals for 4FANZ.TV
  • Ask 4FANZ™ Studio for the Catalog of Original Songs
  • Song mother's day and father's dedication song for your parents.
  • At this level, you are a celebrity. So, avoid casual singing in any platform.
  • Always look for reputed platforms and right audience to perform.
  • Do not target success and follow short cuts. Keep singing in groups and stay connected with fans using 4FANZ® platforms
  • Ensure that your 4FANZ™ Bollywood Performers profile got all your best performances.
What is the Registration Status of Level5 School ?
How the Self-Learning meetup group looks like ?
4FANZ® Meetup Event
4FANZ® Benchmark Videos
Why 4FANZ® Meetups ?
4FANZ® Vision - Create Marketable Talent
How the Paid Learning group looks like ?
4FANZ®Monthly Concerts
4FANZ® Benchmark Videos
Why 4FANZ® Meetups ?
The 4FANZ® Private Group ?
The 4FANZ® Benchmark Performance event
4FANZ® Club Membership Plan
Venmo/Paypal/Bank Account Coming Soon (June 2022)
How do I Join and When do I join ?
4FANZ® Level5 School Registration
4FANZ® - The Audience Deserve Quality Entertainment