4FANZ-DBP Best Practices

Dallas Bollywood Performers has established certain rules or guidelines that may keep little pressure on you to perform. It may take some time to realize the benefits of such rules and guideline but if you adapt you would see improvements in singing and discipline.

There are millions of Smule singers who are not aware of these and think that they are great singers. So, 4FANZ-DBP is launching a paid platform for those who want to be better singers. These rules here are open advice for all Bollywood Singers.

There are two types of singing - Singing for self pleasure (amatuer) and singing for audience ( Road to Professional and Concert Singing ).

No matter what kind of singer you are, the following are currently practiced by the Original Dallas Bollywood Performers team and has elevated them to concert and professional level of singing.

1. Whenever a Program is announced - you get usually 4 weekends to practice. 8 days. Select Karaokes in first week. If you don’t find a good karaoke in YouTube, either you change your song or buy a karaoke. But a rule of thumb - never ever sing from a bad karaoke because Audience won’t like it.

2. Ask admin to assign a co-singer. The Admin knows strength of each singer and can find a good co-singer for your song.

3. Avoid solicitation for duets as this would keep singers in difficult situation like moral dilemma. A singer owns their slots and they are free to choose their solos and duets. Their only goal is to make their song super hit and they can request specific co-singer to admin and admin can assign the slots.

4. So by first weekend, you finalize your songs, karaokes, co-singers - start listening songs and try to sing over the original song with lyrics on hand several times before attempting on Karaokes. Never start directly practicing from the Karaoke assuming you know the song.

5. Keep practicing every weekend. Look at the Alaaps carefully - if there are he he and ha ha - think how that sounds and which zone they are being reproduced by singers. E.g. in Kora kaaghaz tha Mann mera - compare yours with the original. If you love the song but unable to do Alaap - change the song but don’t sing a song where you can not do Alaap properly. You may be happy but Audience won’t like it. As a Rule of Thumb - when you hold the mic, DBP audience, who are not your friends and good singers, would carefully listen to you and expect you to be a very good singer. If you pick a song that you can not deliver as per original, they may not say but they will not consider you a serious disciplined singer. So, when you hold the mic at any DBP Concert - ask yourself - Am I 100% ready for unknown Audience ?

6. Duets are not 1/2 credit. Audience get more when they hear duets. So, when if you sing for less period of time when you pick a duet, from Audience point of view they hear two singers who practiced well. Most Bollywood super-hit songs are duets.

7. If you are asking for feedbacks, some people might give you honest feedback - take that positively and analyze yourself.

8. Singing is not reading Lyrics. There are singers who are unable to realize that and when you clap to encourage they assume they are good singers. So, clap more when you really feel great about a song delivered. If the singer walks in to your table and asks feedback, give an honest feedback - what could have been better. Avoid Fake Praise.

9. Know your strength zone and singing range. Avoid songs that you love but can not give justice. e.g. Some Bollywood Beats based songs needs energy and body movement to deliver with appropriate pitch. Record yourself first and think, if the actors in the song can lip-sync and dance in your version of song ? Just singing the song is not good enough. The Right Pitch, Mood , Energy and Theme is important. So, change the song if you can not deliver.

10. If you have duets, pick duets first because someone has prepared for you. If because of lack of time, you can not get another chance, the duet partner may not be happy and may not accept duets next time.

11. If you are a Smule Singer, try to setup a recording studio with a good microphone at home and record. Smule is a simulating platform and ok for Hobby Singers. But if you are a serious singer, ask DBP admin about a low cost recording solution. Many audience don’t take Smule Singers Seriously as they are getting a huge number of sharing on their Facebook Page. They need some good soothing that is not Smule type with nice background. So, in your home studio, try to buy a good Background drop from Amazon with a backdrop holding frame.

12. If you are a 4FANZ Club member, you will receive a 4FANZ back ground image that you can print at Walgreens or any other place.

13. 4FANZ-DBP is taking the singing to Next Level - means in near future we anticipate to replace the DJ Culture with Live Concerts by Local Talents. So, there will be a demand for live concert level singing and if you stay with Smule and don’t upgrade to live singing by adapting to certain discipline, you may miss the chance when opportunity knocks at your door.

14. 4FANZ-DBP model is in the process of expanding to other cities and in every city good singers will have to create stunning visuals with professional back grounds to listed as 4FANZ AudieNce1st Singers or Performers. Smule recording are not accepted because 4FANZ clients comes to us after watching the videos of our YouTube channels.

15. If you are attending a 4FANZ Live event - observe the best practices and implement in your local groups.

16. 4FANZ has created 5 levels of singing based on an objective analysis of Analytical Capability, Mood, Vocal Quality, Theme, Energy and Pitch Level of a Song. Just having a good voice is not enough. Singers need to have discipline in analyzing own strength and skip that songs that they can not do justice. Also, never share songs that got flaws. Having one line bad in song - makes that song bad. Avoid sharing from Smule and avoid sharing too much in Facebook timeline. In a week, you could share two of your best live or well recorded performances after lot of practice with detailing. Others you can keep in your YouTube channel.

17. If you are a 4FANZ Club member, you can ask to link to your videos to our Video Platform.

18. If you are a great singer and want to sing songs from Original Lyrics, ask the Admin about this. You would be introduced to a lyricist. There is a cost involved in this.

19. By becoming a member of DBP, you would get some discounted offers for Bollywood Concerts for your city Because Promotors contact us.

20. If you are a business - got music systems and got a hosting place, as the organizer to schedule DBP concerts during weekends. 4FANZ is a Global Listing Provider where you can list your Business with an annual fee and keep creating your Fan Base by hosting and promoting events with local talents. So, if you don’t take advantage, your competitor will take. There are only 3 nights per weekend from which you can pick a night.

4FANZ Videos Description
1 Level5 School
2 4FANZ Project
3 4FANZ Explainer